Daphne Preschool

Welcome to Daphne Preschool, a haven where young minds embark on an extraordinary educational journey. Our mission is to foster a love for learning, ignite creativity, and nurture the development of the whole child in a warm and supportive environment.

With a rich history and a dedicated team of educators, Daphne Preschool has been providing exceptional early childhood education for over two decades. Our innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and unwavering commitment to excellence set us apart as a premier choice for families seeking a nurturing and stimulating learning experience for their children.

Daphne Preschool Overview

Daphne Preschool is a nurturing and stimulating learning environment dedicated to fostering the intellectual, social, and emotional development of young children. We believe that every child has the potential to succeed, and we strive to provide a supportive and challenging environment where each child can reach their full potential.

Our mission is to provide a high-quality preschool education that prepares children for success in kindergarten and beyond. We believe that play is an essential part of learning, and we incorporate play-based activities into all aspects of our curriculum. We also believe that children learn best through hands-on experiences, so we provide a variety of opportunities for children to explore and learn through play.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all children have access to a high-quality preschool education. We believe that preschool is an essential foundation for success in school and in life, and we are committed to providing every child with the opportunity to succeed.

Our Values

Our values guide everything we do at Daphne Preschool. We believe in:

  • Respect: We treat all children, families, and staff with respect.
  • Diversity: We value diversity and inclusion, and we strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all.
  • Collaboration: We believe that collaboration is essential for success, and we work closely with families and the community to provide the best possible education for our children.
  • Excellence: We are committed to providing a high-quality preschool education, and we strive for excellence in everything we do.

Programs and Curriculum

Daphne preschool

Daphne Preschool offers a range of age-appropriate programs tailored to the developmental needs of young children. Each program incorporates a comprehensive curriculum that fosters cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth.

Infant and Toddler Program

The Infant and Toddler Program is designed for children ages 6 weeks to 24 months. It provides a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages early exploration, sensory development, and language acquisition. The curriculum includes daily routines, interactive play, music, and age-appropriate toys.

Preschool Program

The Preschool Program caters to children ages 2 to 5 years. It emphasizes hands-on learning, creativity, and social interaction. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, including literacy, mathematics, science, art, and music. Children participate in group activities, small-group instruction, and individualized learning experiences.

The Cudgegong Preschool offers a nurturing and educational environment for young learners, fostering their growth and development through play-based learning and hands-on experiences. If you’re looking for thoughtful and practical gifts for a preschool dad, consider exploring the curated collection at preschool dad gifts . Meanwhile, the Nundle CWA Preschool provides a supportive and engaging learning environment for children, promoting their social, emotional, and intellectual growth.

Pre-Kindergarten Program

The Pre-Kindergarten Program prepares children for kindergarten by providing a structured and challenging curriculum. It focuses on developing literacy skills, problem-solving abilities, and social competence. Children engage in hands-on experiments, thematic units, and field trips to enhance their learning.

Learning Environment and Resources

Daphne Preschool’s learning environment is designed to promote curiosity, exploration, and a love of learning. Classrooms are spacious and well-equipped with age-appropriate toys, books, and materials. The preschool also has a dedicated outdoor play area that provides opportunities for gross motor development and imaginative play.

Staff and Faculty

Daphne preschool

Daphne Preschool recognizes that its teachers and staff are fundamental to the success of the school. The preschool employs highly qualified and experienced educators who are dedicated to providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for each child.

The staff at Daphne Preschool holds a variety of degrees and certifications in early childhood education. Many of the teachers have been with the school for several years, providing continuity and stability for the children. The preschool also employs a number of support staff, including administrative assistants, a kitchen manager, and a maintenance team.

Professional Development

Daphne Preschool is committed to providing its staff with opportunities for professional development. The preschool offers a variety of workshops and training sessions throughout the year. The staff also has access to a library of professional resources.

The preschool believes that a well-trained staff is essential to providing high-quality early childhood education. The preschool’s commitment to professional development ensures that its staff is up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in early childhood education.

Positive Learning Environment

The staff at Daphne Preschool is dedicated to creating a positive and supportive learning environment for each child. The teachers are patient, caring, and respectful. They work to create a classroom environment that is both challenging and nurturing.

The preschool also has a strong sense of community. The staff works together to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all families. The preschool also hosts a variety of events throughout the year that bring families together.

Facilities and Resources

Daphne Preschool boasts an impressive array of facilities and resources designed to foster children’s learning and development.

Our spacious classrooms are filled with natural light and equipped with age-appropriate furniture, materials, and toys. Each classroom has a designated area for dramatic play, block building, art, and sensory exploration.

Discover the exceptional Cudgegong Preschool , renowned for its nurturing environment and innovative curriculum. The preschool provides a holistic learning experience that fosters children’s curiosity and creativity. Additionally, check out our comprehensive guide on thoughtful preschool dad gifts to celebrate the special men in your child’s life.

Outdoor Play Areas

Our preschoolers have ample opportunities for outdoor play and exploration in our secure and well-maintained outdoor play areas. The playground features a variety of age-appropriate equipment, including slides, swings, climbing structures, and sandboxes. There is also a large grassy area for running, jumping, and other outdoor activities.

Specialized Spaces

In addition to our classrooms and outdoor play areas, Daphne Preschool also offers specialized spaces to support children’s learning and development. These spaces include:

  • A dedicated music room with a variety of instruments and musical resources.
  • A library stocked with a wide selection of age-appropriate books.
  • A computer lab with age-appropriate software and educational games.


Daphne Preschool provides a wide range of resources to support our students’ learning. These resources include:

  • A comprehensive collection of books, toys, equipment, and technology.
  • Access to a lending library for parents and families.
  • A variety of online resources, including educational games and videos.

Safety and Security

The safety and security of our students is our top priority. Our preschool is fully fenced and has a secure entry system. All staff members are trained in first aid and CPR, and there is a designated first aid kit in each classroom.

Explore the exceptional Nundle CWA Preschool , where children embark on a journey of discovery and learning. With its dedicated educators and state-of-the-art facilities, the preschool provides a stimulating environment that nurtures young minds and hearts.

Community Involvement and Partnerships: Daphne Preschool

Daphne Preschool recognizes the importance of fostering connections within the community. We actively engage with local organizations, businesses, and families to enrich the preschool experience for our students and families.

Our partnerships with local organizations provide opportunities for our students to participate in various programs and events. For instance, we collaborate with the local library to host weekly story time sessions, exposing our students to the joy of reading and fostering their imagination.

Businesses and Families

Daphne Preschool values the support of local businesses. We partner with businesses to provide resources and support for our preschool programs. For example, our partnership with a local health food store enables us to offer healthy snacks and meals to our students.

Furthermore, we recognize the crucial role families play in their children’s education. We encourage family involvement through open communication, parent-teacher conferences, and family events. Our annual Family Fun Day provides an opportunity for families to connect with each other and the preschool staff while enjoying fun activities.

Community Outreach Programs

Daphne Preschool is committed to giving back to the community. We participate in community outreach programs, such as volunteering at local soup kitchens and organizing toy drives for underprivileged children. These initiatives instill a sense of empathy and social responsibility in our students while fostering a spirit of unity and service.

Tuition and Fees

Daphne Preschool understands that the cost of preschool can be a significant consideration for families. We strive to provide affordable and flexible payment options to make our high-quality early childhood education accessible to all.

Our tuition fees are structured to cover the cost of providing a comprehensive and enriching learning experience for your child. These fees include the cost of instruction, materials, activities, and other program expenses. We offer a variety of payment options to meet the needs of our families, including monthly installments and automatic bank drafts.

Payment Options

We offer the following payment options for your convenience:

  • Monthly installments: You can spread the cost of tuition over the course of the school year by making monthly payments.
  • Automatic bank drafts: You can authorize us to automatically withdraw your tuition payment from your bank account each month.
  • Credit card payments: We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express for tuition payments.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance, Daphne preschool

We believe that every child deserves access to a quality preschool education, regardless of their family’s financial situation. We offer a limited number of scholarships and financial assistance programs to help families who may need additional support. To learn more about our scholarship and financial assistance programs, please contact our Admissions Office.

Enrollment and Registration

To enroll your child at Daphne Preschool, you will need to complete an enrollment packet and provide the following information:

  • Your child’s birth certificate
  • Your child’s immunization records
  • A completed physical examination form
  • The enrollment fee

Once you have completed the enrollment packet, you will be asked to schedule a time to meet with our Admissions Office to discuss your child’s needs and to finalize the enrollment process.

Testimonials and Reviews


Daphne Preschool has consistently received positive feedback and testimonials from parents and families who have entrusted their children’s early education to our care. These testimonials highlight the strengths and unique aspects of our preschool, as well as provide valuable feedback for our continuous improvement.

Parents have consistently praised the nurturing and supportive environment at Daphne Preschool, where children feel safe, respected, and encouraged to explore their full potential. The dedicated and experienced staff are recognized for their warmth, patience, and ability to create a stimulating and engaging learning atmosphere.

Curriculum and Learning

Parents have expressed their appreciation for the well-rounded and age-appropriate curriculum at Daphne Preschool. The curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning, exploration, and creativity, fostering children’s natural curiosity and love for learning. The integration of play-based activities and structured lessons provides a balanced and effective approach to early childhood education.

Communication and Involvement

Parents value the open and transparent communication maintained by Daphne Preschool. Regular updates on their child’s progress and development, as well as opportunities for parent-teacher conferences and events, ensure that parents feel informed and involved in their child’s educational journey.

Areas for Improvement

While Daphne Preschool strives to provide the best possible experience for all children and families, we welcome feedback and suggestions for improvement. Parents have provided valuable insights into areas such as enhancing outdoor play spaces, expanding extracurricular activities, and providing more opportunities for parent involvement in the classroom.

We appreciate the positive feedback and testimonials we have received and are committed to continuously improving our services based on the feedback from our community.


As your partner in early childhood education, Daphne Preschool is committed to providing your child with the foundation they need to thrive in the years to come. Our unwavering dedication to quality education, coupled with our passion for nurturing young minds, ensures that your child’s time at Daphne Preschool will be an enriching and unforgettable experience.

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